Saturday, October 28, 2006

planes, trains & automobiles

maybe that title is misleading. we saw some planes. we rode in a truck for 3 hours today, so we've got the automobiles covered. i suppose we drove over a few sets of train tracks on our journey. {let's just say we did because i can't think of another title at the moment.}

today was a fantastic Fall day! the weather was perfect. the air was crisp.
and we headed down to my Papa's for his annual fly-in.
Carys was pretty excited about seeing the airplanes, but was undecided about whether or not she wanted to fly. (i think she finally decided that, yes, she would like to "fly up high in the sky, mommy!" but we did not - it was a bit too windy to take her up for her first flight. someday soon, i hope!)

the cessna skyhawk i've flown a lot of hours in. not recently.
i was pretty serious about getting my pilot's license, but i have no time for that now.
maybe when the girls have girls of their own....
Carys was MIA for this picture, but it's good to have a picture of Chad & I together - with Cailyn.
Carys, the 'copter pilot in training. she thought she was SUPER cool!
my Papa, me & the girls.

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